Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So, as discussed, I am not allowed to wish you a happy birthday, is that correct? - Edward Cullen

So how does 16 feel?
Am I now extremely grown up and sophisticated?

But I have to say it was a rather great way I saw in my birthday: Standing on top of "Joe" (It's a paddock basher, which is a car in which you drive and smash around, for all you who aren't so knowledgeable :p) while being sung "Happy Birthday" to by about 15 drunk 20 something yr old about 10 of which had shaved their heads so I could hardly tell which one my brother was! And my favourite part though? When it got up to "Happy birthday dear..." and I think The Older Brothers house mate, The Older Brother and The Older Sister where the only ones who actually knew my name! Oh the joys of my Older Brothers friends!

Thanks every-one for the text messages I have like 5 cents credit left so I really would reply buyt can't :( LOVE YOU!!

Oh and yes I have discided to make this day
completely and utterly

xx raid

Please try to remember that you’re not confessing to a murder here. - Edward Cullen

Last day of 15...

Am I sad? No because tomorrow I can legally do a few more thing well legally...

♥ Drive a car (well with parental guidance and all that jazz)
♥Pump petrol (may I note when I turn 15 I was over the moon believing "YES! I can pump PETROL!" really I was but then on 15th birthday rocked up at the petrol station to find out you now had to be 16!! Grrr but yay tomorrow!)
♥ Legally have sex! (Haha thought Lindsey would enjoy that)
♥ I do believe I can get engaged! (Because it's just a promise?)
♥ And (with parental permission) can get married (I may be wrong on that though too?)

In England I can..
♥ A male may consent to a homosexual act if he and his partner are both over 16. (Just thought it was nice to know..)
♥ You can pilot a glider.
♥ You can get married with your parents' or guardians' consent.
♥ You can live independently, subject to certain conditions being met.
♥ You can have an abortion without your parents consent.

In Italy I can..

♥Legally drink alchomolic beverages!!!

All things seem much better I suppose... But I do also believe before the age of 13 you are able to commit assault and murder and all those wonderful thing and not be charged because your still a minor! Oh those where the days!

xx raid

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bella, you are utterly absurd. - Edward Cullen

It's been awhile, I've been sick :( then had my 16th Birthday Party :) but after got some really bad news :( and still feel sick :(

Ohhhh I made a twitter! http://twitter.com/raidstar

Thought that was rather VAMPTASTIC!


Boy Crush...

James McAvoy.

Girl Crush...

Mischa Barton

Favourite Movie...

18th Century so cute and proper.
Also new look on lookbook :) be sure to click on the sidebar >>>
I think I shall re-do my blog and make it all look prettyful :)
xx raid

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Yeah, so I’m a sucker for the pretty ones, what’s wrong with that? - Max

My Favourite..... hype
Wow does Romania have style or what?

Thanks Lindsey for the tip.
Hmmm guys with style, can you say "In love"?

Hehe Vampire

xx raid

Monday, March 16, 2009

That’s my girl. - Jacob Black

Happy Sweet 16 dear Erica!
I love you dearly Erica you make me laugh and make me feel better when I'm sad :) You are and unfairly and extremely talented photographer (YOU GOT PUBLISHED!) Basically you double cool with knobs on! Oh and you have a "penis" so you make me feel less of a freak! Lampshades on our heads running around op-shops trying to out do each other in finding the best and worst clothing. I can't wait to celebrate yours and mine special day together!
Love you!
Count down to my Super Sweet 16 Day of Birth: 2 weeks 1 day.

xx raid

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I’m not really that interesting. - Bella Swan

Thing that make me go Mmmmm...

QU pictures...

^^Smoking is bad kids bad! But DAMN he makes it look so sexy! Bad I tell you!^^

New Moon...

Purple hair...

^^ It's better in the sunlight^^

New phone...

Text me people!

Height differences...

^^ For Lindsey^^

Finshed work at 5 bought new Vogue still have to read it :)

xx raid

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Are you sure it’s worth it? - Laurent

^^ I love Melbourne ^^

So would you like to buy a house?
Because currently that's what Paige (The Shiz that is :)) are being force to do in Humanities. :(
Well I get to look for Erica and mine dream house.

Also a chance to catch up on Lookbook.nu so all is well in the world again. :)

Me: Money Sucks.
Paige: Baha I agree!
Gosh I love Paige :)
And Ellen. :) I love her and her wonderful hair :)

Just bought a fully furnished South bank apartment with Paige, It's quite wonderful :)

Haven't shown my everlasting love for Twilight in a while so yeah just so you know....
For Lindsey :) Love you

xx raid

Friday, March 6, 2009

People can’t smell blood. - Edward Cullen

Yes I am aware that I am an obcessed Twilighter with no life but....


Yes it's truly VAMPTASTIC!
What do you think of it? Cause I mean at the start of it Bella is talking and it's in the book (And I realise the movie isn't the same as the book and doesn't have to be!) But Edward never tastes her blood before the ballet studio scene, in which he finds it really hard to stop drinking. :F But yeah it kinda made my day that and finding out what my grandparents are maybe giving me and what Mother is debating on letting me do :)
Also I can smell blood. :F
And Mother says you can too :p
xx raid

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I’m afraid you’re going to have to make a choice. - Carlisle Cullen

Just found out today that I can work whilst my hair is the colour purple.
What?!?! You may be thinking What of earth would purses (I don't think I spelt that right?)Mairead to dye her hair?!
Well I'll tell you I'm participating in worlds greatest shave, an extremely awesome charity which raises money for people who are suffering with cancer. So yes that's the reason, now here's my dilemma, I am going from this....

To something like this....

Or this....
Or if my hair was long enough, this...
So my question is how in the heck am I to make my hair this colour if I want any hair left over when I finish dying it!?!?!

Got bored....

Am I a drama queen?
Not a drama queen at all! Congratulations, you can find all kinds of remedies that actually work! stay that way! =D

When Will I Find Love?
Some Admirers Already.
You're a really cool girl to be with. You're old-fashioned and true to yourself. You're original and hopeful, some guys are already admiring from far.

What kind of girl am I?
Summer Girl!
You love deep Red lipsticks and short silky dresses that show your legs to the guys. You love to impress them. Your colours are Blue, Red and Green. You can apply a lot of makeup on your skin but don't cover up to much of you face, because the boys will just think your a show off. You go out of your way to get attention and sometimes a little to far. Think before you act!

What kind of flirt am I?
When you like a boy, you subtly let him know. You don't come on too strong but you let him know there is something there. You know the right moves to make and how to win him over. Keep it up and he will fall for you in no time!

What type of vampire am I?
17th century vampire
Well well well, the old fashioned 17th century vampire, one of my faves. You look for the good things in life, you posses a lot of classical class, and follow that of the original vampires, you have no shame in what you are, in fact you embrace it, you love it and wouldn't have it any other way. Your wealth is unspeakable and your way of luring people with your mystical ways and looks is amazing, and most people would often call you The Seductress.

Sorry got bored and went onto this website, it's worth checking out if your bored :)

xx raid

Monday, March 2, 2009

Well, there’s something you don’t see every day. - Embry Call

Woot! 69 hypes! Yay suck on the 68 hypes! Tehe Erica and I thought the number of hypes was rather crude and hilarious which equal a blog :)

If you want to check out this look click here........ HERE!

Topgear is on tonight :D

And well that's all folks.

xx raid