hey just got home, sooo tired!
well after i made this blog in discovery, thanks to the great help of laura (i love laura!!) it was lunch i went to the drama "peter pan" so thats good and all so in maths i practised and in um well can't remember the other subject but it was boring so i practised, i covinced laura to auddition so she practised her line, (she went for tigerlily i went for the role wendy) went to the audditition that was fun i hope i get the role!! fingers crossed!!
then it was tea time so went to noodle mas got a veggitarian (i can't spell as u will discover) number 11 then bought the red vitamin water the dragon fruit one and 2 packets of tictacs (yum) then went to dancing, clasical then jazz so really tired but i'm on the computer coz i'm stupid, otay i'll finish now....
hmmm i'll have to think of a sign off....
well for now its just
raidy xx
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