Monday, March 16, 2009

That’s my girl. - Jacob Black

Happy Sweet 16 dear Erica!
I love you dearly Erica you make me laugh and make me feel better when I'm sad :) You are and unfairly and extremely talented photographer (YOU GOT PUBLISHED!) Basically you double cool with knobs on! Oh and you have a "penis" so you make me feel less of a freak! Lampshades on our heads running around op-shops trying to out do each other in finding the best and worst clothing. I can't wait to celebrate yours and mine special day together!
Love you!
Count down to my Super Sweet 16 Day of Birth: 2 weeks 1 day.

xx raid


Paige The Shiz said...

This is so cute, you have a way with words :)
Its funny becuase you're sitting next to me.
xoxox I love Mairead muchly.

ilnedin was the word varification :) Just so you know.

Erica Hoffman said...

gosh your sweetI would want to share the party with anyone else... =D
love you.
