Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I guess my brain will never work right. At least I’m pretty. - Bella Swan
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Don’t forget to breathe. - Bella Swan
Monday, December 29, 2008
Er… so, I’m still alive. - Bella Swan
Friday, December 26, 2008
Your hair looks like a haystack… but I like it. - Edward Cullen
My dear mother believes I am going to join a, get this, A CULT!
Oh My Lordy!
I mean first of all I wouldn't. Second of all since when was there a vampire (She thought it would be a vampire cult of course) cult in WANGARATTA! I mean come on!! And her reasons are
*I watched the TV show Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel. (Both very popular TV shows in there time, and still are.)
*And Beacause I have seen the movie Twilight And have read the Twilight book series. (Who hasn't!?)
Stupid Head!
Hmmm when she gets home I'm going to start drinking red water!
Monday, December 22, 2008
She’s diabolical. - Emmett Cullen

^^ Love this one ^^


^^ So True ^^

^^ PLEASE!!^^

^^ ME TO A TEE!!^^
And my new favourite word is CEDWARD (So avarda Vadava(can't spell it) just turns you into a really hot vampire, great plan voldy.) lol
xx raid
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Well… don’t be offended, but you smell like a dog. - Edward Cullen
I'm young, slightly inteligent and completely and utterly bored! Tehe
Hence my slight insanity! I'm watching Angus, Thongs and prefect snogging on the wonderful wide world of web whilst (How cool is the word whilst I love just dropping it into conversation occasionly just to sound smart... er but I know what the word means, unlike Spongebob and Patrick in this extremely funny episode on Spongebob Square Pants where Spongebob reads a bad word on the dumpster and then goes and tell Patrick who explains to Spongebob that you drop them into casual conversation to make yourself sound smarter, But then Mr Crabs hears Spongebob saying these words while he's working and then tell him never to say them but then latter Mr Crab trips over and them says all the words and then is told off by his mother, it's quite funny. Also the words are cleverly covered up by strange sound effects. Man I really wish I knew the name of the episode so you could all (Whoever read this blog??? If you do your awesome! I mostly write this for Lindsey and Lily coz they are the only ones that seem to read it, LOVE YOU GUYS!!!) youtube it at your computer machienes but as it is 1 am in the morning I don't think my family is too keen to hear me stumble down the hallway and then through the extremely annoyingly loud door to the old lounge room and then to the lounge room but I will tell you latter because it is funny. Oh I just realised I have written this whole thing in brackets so I'll close this bracket and continue! ) reading the book and also listen to the.....
Supermassive Black Hole by Muse, I feel like playing baseball, I miss baseball I use to play it in primary school and I was the best girl and better than half the boys at it it was fun *sighs and remembers the good old days sigh* but I would have to be wearing an extemely cute baseball outfit like Rose wears in Twilight. Hmmm I think I'll try out (and most likely fail) for the schools Baseball team, Um does anyone know when people play baseball???
Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine, I fell like slow dancing with an extremely cute boy ala Twilight but I also feel like doing a contempory dance to it (If I was talented enough to do that! But I'll Make Isobel do one. Haha Isobel painted a redlove heart on my cheek when she was at work and I also wasted heaps of this strange cleaning paste when she asked me to help, BAD IDEA, Tehe I love Tink!) But then I also want to run around singing the second verse with said cute boy cause if you listen to the lyrics they are extremely randomly and of of cousre awesomely insane.
Never Think by Rob Pattinson, I think it's and extremly amazing song sung (is that a word???) by and a extremely amazing person! His voice is mind blowing! It's all like folky and deep. The song just makes me think of Twilight I don't think it's even in the movie but it's like the story of Twilight (I may be extemely off there but in a way it is at least).
Let Me Sign by Rob Pattinson, This song always gives me chills, I loved it as soon as I heard it and I only found out when I looked at the artis that I found out he sang (Is that even a word??) it and thinks its beautiful.
Otay sorry bout that but ARGH A SPIDER DROPPED DOWN FROM MY CEILING! Thats too weird and scarry! I HATE spiders! Otay going back to what I was saying before the Spider inserdent.....
And also makes me think of the Jesus song "Hearts on fire" even though they are NOTHING alike :) "Hearts on fire with the love of Jesus!" Just isn't as good as "I seek you out, fligh you alive. One more word and you won't survive" It's a extremely good chill out song with witty lyrics. I love the instrumentals and the "arhhhh ar araarrrrr" singing at the start that they show in the movie.
I died my hair its now darker and slightly red. I love it now looks like Bella from Twilight, Which isn't the main reason I dyed it I'm not that much of a push over! But I wanted a change and I don't like my hair with the blonde in it so I went darker. Also my eyebrow don't look so strangely dark now.
Oh I love informercals! I'm such a sucker for them, seriously I'd be dangerous with a credit card!
xx raidy
Friday, December 19, 2008
It doesn’t count until she’s conscious, Rose. - Emmett Cullen
There was this old person in front of me who sneezed worse than Helen! Helen sneezes and seriously say ARTISUE it's quite funny. But this lady sneezed like a man/lady, it sounded like a beaver sneezing if your know what that would sound like, I shall demonstrate if you ask at a latter date :p, but it made me laugh even though it was all melodramtic and such!
But the real reason for this for this blog was too say that awesome is Australia we are the only country to eat our national animal! We are a strange lot also my family is as they where the ones who started dicussing this fact and then also procided to start a full on licking war........ I love my family!
Also Lindsey what is your national animal over there? And do you eat it? Mum was like isn't it the maple leaf and then Siobhan and I broke into histerics (can't spell :p) and told her that a maple leaf isn't an animal it's part of a magical thing called a tree.
well thats all folks
xx raid
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
You do smell nice, I never noticed before. - Alice Cullens
Was woken up at the ungodly hour of 7 which was follow by swearing at the fact that I didn't have school and there for that it was crule and unkind to wake me. (I was up until about 1am reading New Moon, Very good book :) ) I swore somemore and then managed to suffle out of my comfey bed and to the darken hall my feet frezzing on the cold slate tiles. I soon realised the reason for my rude awakening was that my father and turn another year older and so we had to carry in the present (Which I had no idea what it was) and his breakfast which is as tradition for both birthdays and fathers day. We sat around the bed after singing a rushed version of "Happy Birthday", Finn and Layla were late for there bus (Last day of school for them but I'll get to that later.) Dad acted surprised when he recieved the usal bottle of Wine from helen and then as he recieved the gift that he himself had purchased a digital camera. We gave him his present, I soon found out that I had given him chocolates and a James Bond DVD bout cars. He open the cards and thanked us all when he got to the card which I thought would be from me aswell I soon relised that they hadn't put my name on it! Or my older brother Sams. Which really annoyed me in our family you always put the 5 names on the card unless it's to one of us. I soon was giving both Finn and Layla death stare and I mean if looks could kill.....
Finn and Layla soon jumped into the car with Helen to go to school and Helen to work while I made my way back to bed not even pretending to be concious. I read my book a little until my phone rang I didn't know the number so I didn't answer, But I did listen to the measage I got and soon relised it was my dad being a goof on his new *FLIP TOP PHONE* Oh my lord! Haha
It was him telling me to get out of bed because we had to take Basil (Our Obess Beagal) to the vet so he could get his stiches out. I went with him and stayed in the car while he got the stiches out (they freak me out although I didn't tell dad that) we then returned home which is where I am sitting like a bum at our computer writing about my day while my watches his F1's on the TV, this current race is in Spain, no wait sorry Istanbul, My father gives it 3 stars out of 5. The lap record at this track is 1:24.770 held by JP Montoya which he has held since 2005. The circuit length is 5.338 Km.
Sorry I was just listing to dad and typing at the same time :)
Later tonight I am to attend the younger brother and sisters End Of Year Concert! WOW
I'll wear my new heels just to make it more entertaining. :p
xx raid
I hope you enjoy disappointment. - Edward Cullens
Just thought I'd show you that Twilight is better than Harry Potter (Not that I hate Harry Potter I used to be a fan but I just think there not as good as Twilight )
Lets compare the Girls.....

^^ Want this shirt ^^
And the guys....


Lol thats all for now
I"ll let you decide.....
xx raid
Sunday, December 14, 2008
When someone wants to kill you, you’re brave as a lion — and then when someone mentions dancing…
Me: 1*There vampires NOT witchs and wizards
Lindsey: Vampires suck. Literally. As if books about vampires are better than books about witches and wizards? Can vampires do anything that is as awesome as what withches and wizards can't?
My Response: Vampires have extremely highten senses. Edward is able to read peoples minds (without all the stupid spells) and Alice is able to predict the future with out a stupid ball, also vampires cannot die unless they are ripped to peices by another vampire or warewolf, (unlike witchs and widzards you have a stick say a word and they die! boring! I mean grow some balls! )
Vampires are extremely strong and amazingly fast. Everything about them is desinged to draw you in, they are desinged to kill. They are complex and puzzling, and also beautiful.
Me: No.2*It's set in Forks, Washington NOT somewhere in England!
Lindsey: The beauty about where Harry Potter is set is that nobody knows where exactly Hogwarts is. That shows a level of imagine far greater than Stephanie Meyers.
My response: I think the fact that it doesn't tell you where hogwarts is shows a lack of imagination she probably couldn't think of a place so she just made it up. The fact that it is set in forks makes you feel as though it could happen to you too, like great things could and can happen in small stupid towns, making them less stupid.
Me: 3*The lead man is actually HOT!
Lindsey:Umm what about Ron, Victor, Fred, George, Snape and Lockhart!
My response: Lindsey this is you! come on the girl who thinks harrison ford is sexy?? and also all of those "hot" people are extremly revolting not sexy even in the slightest sense and saying all those names not including harry means that you in fact do not believe that your lead man is unsexy. Edward on the hand, completly other hand the sexy hand :), as a vampire everything about them as I have previously stated draws you in:
*His Smile
*His Smell
*His Eyes
*His Voice
*His Face
You May say "How is that good?" but no matter I win this :)
So have I ever mentioned the only good thing about school trips to Melbourne are the Cute guys in School uniforms? Well as it's the holidays I was sadden by the fact that there were no uniforms in sight, appart from those of the stupid little school kids who lined up for half an hour to "See How Santa Really Works" in the Myer windows, There where many cute guys but it's not as fun! Haha I stayed at Vibe which was fun tight across from Southern Cross station and have photos of it's roof from our window. I went up with the older sister. :p
Hmmmmm sorry it's started to rain and I love hearing the rain while I read with a Milo :)
xx raid
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bring on the shackles, I'm your prisoner.-Edward Cullen
Edward: “Bella, I’ve already expended a great deal of personal effort to keep you alive. I’m not about to let you behind the wheel of a vehicle when you can’t even walk straight. Besides, friends don’t let friends drive drunk,”
Bella: “Drunk?”
Edward: “You’re intoxicated by my very presence.”
“Do what?”
“Dazzle them like that-she’s probably hyperventilating in the kitchen right now.”
“Oh come on. You have to know the effect you have on people.”
“I dazzle people?”
“You haven’t noticed? Do you think everybody gets their way so easily?”
“Do I dazzle you?”
“Frequently.”-Edward and Bella
"And you are worried not because your going to meet a house full of vampires, but because those vampires won't like you, correct?" -Edward Cullen
I only did this blog to state the fact that I absoulutly love Edwards grey jacket in the movie.

Currently annoyed at the computer cause google wouldn't give me any other pictures!
When I find a better picture I shall uploaded it!
Also going to go see Twilight again so if you want to join tell me!
xx Mrs. Edwards Cullen lol I sound 10 haha
xx raidy
Twilight Is The Best Movie/Book Ever.
I just saw Twilight and wow.
"And then when he.... wow"
"And then when they jump... wow"
Mainly it's just amazing.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.

A query, to me, that's been often said, Is "Please explain just what I have read. "What is this gooey sandwich spread That you Aussies put on your daily bread?"
We not only put it on bread, you know, It's great on Vita Weet biscuits, so when you squeeze two together, the black goo will flow through the holes in the bikkies, like worms in a row.
Add a spoonful or so to your favourite stew. The flavour you savour, piques your palate anew. Don't add too much, just a little will do, If you overdo it, you'll ruin the brew.
Americans don't seem to like the taste. Methinks that they may have eaten with haste, And spread it too thick. You just need a thin baste On the bread. Use a little, you don't have to waste.
If your in the mood for laughs youtube search Americans tasting vegemite funny :) There so stupid.