Sunday, December 14, 2008

When someone wants to kill you, you’re brave as a lion — and then when someone mentions dancing…

Josette Vigée-Lebrun is my vampire name.
Hello been busy lately got back from Melbourne shopping trip with a considerably lighter wallet but extremely happy with my hall!
* Two pairs of shoes (Shall include photos when I get them christmas! :) )
* One JAG silver wallet
* Three "Layla" stlyed tee shirts. Black, Grey and White.
* One extremely awesome present for Laura
* One part of Ericas also awesome present
* Two cushions
* Smiggle pen and nookbook
* Two candle holders, (Like the ones in the Sex and the City movie, they knida look like wine glasses.)
* Pictures of Paris
I was happy also because a saw twilight for the forth time and also finished the book. :)
In response to Linsdey In response to Me:

Me: 1*There vampires NOT witchs and wizards

Lindsey: Vampires suck. Literally. As if books about vampires are better than books about witches and wizards? Can vampires do anything that is as awesome as what withches and wizards can't?

My Response: Vampires have extremely highten senses. Edward is able to read peoples minds (without all the stupid spells) and Alice is able to predict the future with out a stupid ball, also vampires cannot die unless they are ripped to peices by another vampire or warewolf, (unlike witchs and widzards you have a stick say a word and they die! boring! I mean grow some balls! )

Vampires are extremely strong and amazingly fast. Everything about them is desinged to draw you in, they are desinged to kill. They are complex and puzzling, and also beautiful.

Me: No.2*It's set in Forks, Washington NOT somewhere in England!

Lindsey: The beauty about where Harry Potter is set is that nobody knows where exactly Hogwarts is. That shows a level of imagine far greater than Stephanie Meyers.

My response: I think the fact that it doesn't tell you where hogwarts is shows a lack of imagination she probably couldn't think of a place so she just made it up. The fact that it is set in forks makes you feel as though it could happen to you too, like great things could and can happen in small stupid towns, making them less stupid.

Me: 3*The lead man is actually HOT!

Lindsey:Umm what about Ron, Victor, Fred, George, Snape and Lockhart!

My response: Lindsey this is you! come on the girl who thinks harrison ford is sexy?? and also all of those "hot" people are extremly revolting not sexy even in the slightest sense and saying all those names not including harry means that you in fact do not believe that your lead man is unsexy. Edward on the hand, completly other hand the sexy hand :), as a vampire everything about them as I have previously stated draws you in:

*His Smile
*His Smell
*His Eyes
*His Voice
*His Face

You May say "How is that good?" but no matter I win this :)

So have I ever mentioned the only good thing about school trips to Melbourne are the Cute guys in School uniforms? Well as it's the holidays I was sadden by the fact that there were no uniforms in sight, appart from those of the stupid little school kids who lined up for half an hour to "See How Santa Really Works" in the Myer windows, There where many cute guys but it's not as fun! Haha I stayed at Vibe which was fun tight across from Southern Cross station and have photos of it's roof from our window. I went up with the older sister. :p

Hmmmmm sorry it's started to rain and I love hearing the rain while I read with a Milo :)

xx raid

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