Just reading Lindseys blog and relised how strange Americans/Candianians are I mean I know we hav stero types but come on! Crocodiles in our backyard? Haha that would be pretty awesome though! Hmmmmm Must ask our Lindsey if she has yet introduced the humble Candians to Vegemite.
Just went on to the Vegemite home page and looked at this beauty.......
A query, to me, that's been often said, Is "Please explain just what I have read. "What is this gooey sandwich spread That you Aussies put on your daily bread?"
It comes in jars of varying sizes, Red and yellow labels, no fancy disguises. The name in white, each child recognises, Its vitamin value, every Mum realises.
We not only put it on bread, you know, It's great on Vita Weet biscuits, so when you squeeze two together, the black goo will flow through the holes in the bikkies, like worms in a row.
We not only put it on bread, you know, It's great on Vita Weet biscuits, so when you squeeze two together, the black goo will flow through the holes in the bikkies, like worms in a row.
Add a spoonful or so to your favourite stew. The flavour you savour, piques your palate anew. Don't add too much, just a little will do, If you overdo it, you'll ruin the brew.
Americans don't seem to like the taste. Methinks that they may have eaten with haste, And spread it too thick. You just need a thin baste On the bread. Use a little, you don't have to waste.
(I cut out most of it cause it was really long but it's a funny read )
A Special thank you to Meg for that trully amazingly Aussie poem and now to other news. HAHA
I had to share that one cause I'm feeling like a real Aussie right now fear not shall stop all this nonsence soonly! :p
If your in the mood for laughs youtube search Americans tasting vegemite funny :) There so stupid.
xx raidy
1 comment:
You should take the Vegemite Census.
Very nice blog, by the way ;]
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