(I Love Alice she'd be an awesome sister lol just thinking)
Hey waz up?
Don't answer that... (stole that from Lilys Myspace :))
Just got home from Pips place argh 4 hours sleep and I'm working tomorrow!
But it was fun, I brought my new magazine, (Top Gear and Vogue) And Matty T read both and we discussed about the stupid people who want to buy a hatchback (He wants one and I think they are cars of satin, also extremely girly!) and also how Volvo's are totally the best cars (He thinks they suck and are extremely safe this coming from the boy who wants a hatchback!!! ) and then we discussed different fashion trends we like and dislike he likes the crop top look I think its rather stupid the only ones that look half decent are the '50's styled ones. Then agreed that only good looking models where Victoria Secret models (My Dream Job, I mean how amazing would it be I love the catwalk :D)
Sorry about the overusing of the word "discussed" shall not use again, for at least 5 blogs.
Called Joshybabe a loner many a time because he was being a loner as always strange kid :p
My out fit looked rather amazing but just realised I have no photos what so ever of me in it! Grrr well I'll take photos tomorrow after work, wait haha yes I'm wearing it to my Fathers 50th YAY!
In the mood for photos......
But yes ate far to much food and went to be a loner in the lounge then got called a loner by Josh, we couldn't have that!, so went and became social creating 2 different types of mocktails with Beth, Katie and Catlin and from now on are going to have "Cock Day" at school every month and make mocktails and drink them in cocktail glasses and then act drunk! :D Woke up so to the smell of toast, which I had been craving all of the day before, and Scooby Doo on my head, thanks guys!
Went shopping today with the girls, Pip, Lily, Sally, Me and the guys Jaron, Ben, Daniel and then Josh bought an amazing red squened bow tye which I'm going to lookbook with my sext arse boots! XD Oh yeah check out my look book by clicking on the Lookbook side bar and add me on myspace cause you always need a friend :) http://www.myspace.com/xoxo_raidy_xoxo
Lindsey Quote: "Life Sucks Poo!"
xx raid
it would be great to be a victorias secret model
that is also my dream job
but some dreams, just can't come true
omg jaron always wears those shorts! and daniel is hot :) and faggot is gay and i really really really really wish i could've been there!
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