Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mine is bigger. - Renesmee Cullen


Tehe I've been Youtubing and have found some truly HILARIOUS videos! XD

This is Edward Vs Harry SOOO funny (It's also where I got the word VAMPTASTIC! Haha it's so totally my new word :) Also "Homo Harry" "Ever heard of Wingardium Leviosa.... Bitch!" and also "SHUT UP FANGDICK!" Yeah I know I'm weird ;)) So yeah watch it!

This is about Edwards Volvo (And how they changed it from book to movie, but it a much funnier way! The voice overs are hilarious!) New word from this video (I'm going slightly Lindsey here with the new words lol but there awesome!) "Blasphemy" cause it sounds cool I'll google it latter so I can sound cool and say it without sounding like a freak :D
"I've totally got a stake in my bag, Edward and Buffy Summers on speed dial! Don't Push me!"
I want you to meet........
That's not a car.... That's a HATCHBACK!
Haha lose another one Sex-Ed??
:) WATCH :)

Edward Cullen's warning to Jacob Black. It's pictures with a funny song written about Twilight :p

La Push has come to shove!

A video all about the Sexiness That is Edward/Robbert! Yeah it's awesome, also funny interviews in the middle :)

Robbert is my hero! Tehe he doesn't like CHILDREN! (Lindsey you HAVE to love him!)

The guy who plays Jacob is weird "Theres the good ones and the bad ones, You know? Theres the evil ones who DO want that and then theres also the Cullen's, You know?" He's not all that charismatic.

Also HA at Jasper that guy is funny!

Also you get behind the scene looks of them making the movie and them just being stupid! :)

xx raidy

1 comment:

lindy/ said...

When I said blog I didn't mean about God damn Twilight! Why are you awake this early anyway? I still love you even though you like Twilight.