Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I’d forgotten how exuberant you are. - Alice Cullen



*Sob* Lookbook is down for maintenance!

But as the awesome people from lookbook are so awesome they have provided us scared, directionless people who have been left without lookbook with some awesome links to seriously cute sites, as followed:
all the latest styles from the world's top fashion blogs.

the kind of store that functions as a crack house for the die-hard fashionista

amazing designer USB flash drives

I am in LOVE with these little beautys...
They're so cute I can't believe there USB's!

vintage pieces sourced from around the world

I HATE spiders but love this one^^I want this clutch for the formal :)^^

Oh yay while I was blogging LOOKBOOK is back online! Yay

xx raid

Monday, February 23, 2009

Do I react badly? - Bella Swan

Oh dear God! A extremely embarrassingly stupidly random video of Lily and I have got 171 VIEWS!! Arghhhhhh! :O

If You want to be scared for life click this link but please please be warned!

Oh also update on auditions.....
I GOT DONNA PRIMA!!! Epppp! I screamed and jumped around and basically just acted like a tool on the far end of the oval with Laura cause she knew I needed it.
But yes quite content with the part I was allocated, Yes quite.

Now I have the awesome (and I don't mean that sarcastically AT ALL! Cause this is really what I do with my google time) job of finding perfect: Dress/Costume, Shoes, Make-up look, Hair style and Jewelry :D

First ideas:

^^ Love love love the Victoria Secret hair :) ^^

^^ Both this and the red in a pink colour :D ^^

Ohhhh Top Gear was on tonight :D loves it!

xx raid

Friday, February 20, 2009

If I get hurt, it was because I tripped. - Bella Swan

Dear Lindsey,
Missing you muchly! Hope your having a great time over there in Canadia.
Hoping you are well,
xx raid

Was going through my photos and found this one of Lindsey. :) Dam Lindsey why do you have to look pretty all the time?

I'm working Sunday should be buddles of fun :p Sorry this blog is boring I'm feeling cruddy since we got needles. :( I am 99.99% sure I've found my dream formal dress and I know what dress I'm making for my Sweet 16th Birthday dinner. And I know what I need to get and make for my Sweet 16 Party party. :D It should be a laugh. It's a joint party with Erica so of course I'm going to have fun we just need to figure out the smaller details :s Love you Erica :)

xx raid
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You will never put me through that again. Esme Cullen

Inspired by Bethany's gossip girl school style.

Just got back from auditions for the school play "Little Stars" and did the whole acting thing fairly well I think but when I was singing my voice started shaking a little bit :S! I still hit the note but felt a right and utter lunatic. But if I get a main role WHO CARES ABOUT AUDITIONS! :D hehe I hope I did well :)

Just so everyone knows: The song Sex Is On Fire was written about Bart! (As decided by Me and Pip :D)

xx raid

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You have goose bumps. - Jacob Black

And the colour of todays kids is Orange, can you say that? Orange.

I was quite alarmed how many things I love are orange (I do realise my Ipod isn't orange but one of my favourite Victoria secret outfits has orange in it and I have that picture on there so :p).

I worked this morning, and the whole shift I could see the new Vogue calling my name! It was very hard not to run and grab it so I could read between costumers, but I was a good girl and waited till mum picked me up to grab it and my regular Tic-Tacs. (I got large cause I'm supposed to be eating less, Eg: one packet a week but like I'm actually going to be able to stop I'm addicted to the little things! Plus I'd have to change my blogger name and Lookbook job description! Far to much work and "The Life Of A Recovering Tic-Tac Addict" just doesn't have the same appeal. :) ) So these are four of my favourite things all in the colour orange: Orange juice (In prima form, just like primary school :D), Orange Tic-Tacs, Vogue, and my Ipod (I probably should add on Victoria Secret cause I'm kinda obsessed! It's rather amazing :) )

xx raid

How did you get over here so fast? - Bella Swan

Valentines was over too soon so I'll just pretend I'm in Paris (When don't I??) or in Canadia with my beloved Lindsey (Get home already 44!) and since they both speak French over there and I've had two comments from amazing random French guys, here's some of my favourite pick-up lines in the oh-so sexy language of French .....

Vous avez des chevilles sexy

Translation: You have sexy ankles

J'aime tes genoux

Translation: I love your knees

Avez-vous une carte beau? Parce que je suis perdu dans tes yeux.

Translation: Do you have a map beautiful? Because I'm getting lost in your eyes.

Le corps est composé de 90% d'eau et j'ai soif!

Translation: The body is made up of 90% water and I'm thirsty!

At-il blessé? Quand tu es tombé du ciel?

Translation: Did it hurt? When you fell out of heaven?

Est-ce que vorte père en prison? Parce qu'il a volé les étoiles et les mettre dans les yeux.

Translation: Is your dad in jail? Because he stole the stars and put them in your eyes.

All you need is a sexy french man and ta-duh!

xx raid

Friday, February 13, 2009

You spied on me? - Bella Swan

Currently blogging this from my new 32g Podi (Ipod) Touch! YAY!

Happy now! Happy Valentines to me! ♥

xx raid

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mostly I dream about being with you forever. - Bella Swan

Hype if you like, comment if you love, fan me if your awesome.
Missing Lindsey, Paige asked twice bout you today Lindsey darling feel loved! Oh my goodness I'm auditioning to be a HUMAN CHESS PIECE! Which is of course! My dream come true! I want to be a castle! Slightly because I'm all tall and can look all emo scary if I want and also cause of Harry Potter the first one it would highly entertaining too! I'll post pictures if I get in :)
Still searching for my valentine *sigh* going to myspace Butt and see if she'll find us (Pip and I) random (Emo) Beechy Boys :D
xx raid

Sunday, February 8, 2009

He swam to France? - Bella Swan

Currently talking to my Cousin for England who has the most amazing hair. And now also talking to a Cousin from Ireland :D Which is slightly mad but highly entertaining.

They're telling me I'd love the west end and man would I!
Its where all like the theatre shows are and like the celebs and big ben and the London wheel!!

My English Cousin is saying who it's snowing there! And In Ireland it is too!

But heres a short snippet of there greatness:

English Cousin says:

were having a convosation from ireland, endland and australia

Irish Cousin says:

well done einstein

Also looking at lookbook for a little look book loving look to right for the looks I've hyped, so pretty :)

Reason 657 to love England: They have Topgear!

xx raid

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Once people start throwing wet stuff, I go inside. - Bella Cullen

Mood: Bored now!
Reason: Currently not at Lily's place like I was last night :(

Argh I'm so amazingly over this heat I feeling like I'm melting 24/7 I've currently eating my THIRD red icy poll, quite delicious. Lately I've been dreaming of England *sighs* I want so much to go on exchange there :D I love winter! I love the cold! I even wouldn't care bout the rain ruining my hair! Well not that much at least.... :p I wish it was raining now or at least someone was throwing wet stuff :)

England, How couldn't you love it??

xx raid

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

You can sleep, sweetheart, I’ll carry you. - Edward Cullen

Do all guys just want girls with orange fake tan skin, hair that's been dyed with tacky extensions that don't match the hair colour? With poser Myspace pictures and slutty Facebook pictures?? Girls with bad reputations and have done much much more than they'd like they Daddys to know?? Is that really what guys really like??
Where have all the romantics gone?
What has happened to the boy population?
Where's my Romeo?
My Edward Cullen?

xx raid