Sunday, February 8, 2009

He swam to France? - Bella Swan

Currently talking to my Cousin for England who has the most amazing hair. And now also talking to a Cousin from Ireland :D Which is slightly mad but highly entertaining.

They're telling me I'd love the west end and man would I!
Its where all like the theatre shows are and like the celebs and big ben and the London wheel!!

My English Cousin is saying who it's snowing there! And In Ireland it is too!

But heres a short snippet of there greatness:

English Cousin says:

were having a convosation from ireland, endland and australia

Irish Cousin says:

well done einstein

Also looking at lookbook for a little look book loving look to right for the looks I've hyped, so pretty :)

Reason 657 to love England: They have Topgear!

xx raid

1 comment:

lindy/ said...

england is gay. canada!