If You want to be scared for life click this link but please please be warned!
Oh also update on auditions.....
I GOT DONNA PRIMA!!! Epppp! I screamed and jumped around and basically just acted like a tool on the far end of the oval with Laura cause she knew I needed it.
But yes quite content with the part I was allocated, Yes quite.
Now I have the awesome (and I don't mean that sarcastically AT ALL! Cause this is really what I do with my google time) job of finding perfect: Dress/Costume, Shoes, Make-up look, Hair style and Jewelry :D
First ideas:

you're my hero! oh oh mairead i love you! you are sexy! potato!
ha just getting you ready for your fame and fortune that is sure to come.
go the pink. its beeaautifulll.
and so Donna Prima :P
take advice from the PA
its like sayig amen in french,
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