Mood: Bored now!
Reason: Currently not at Lily's place like I was last night :(
Argh I'm so amazingly over this heat I feeling like I'm melting 24/7 I've currently eating my THIRD red icy poll, quite delicious. Lately I've been dreaming of England *sighs* I want so much to go on exchange there :D I love winter! I love the cold! I even wouldn't care bout the rain ruining my hair! Well not that much at least.... :p I wish it was raining now or at least someone was throwing wet stuff :)

Reason: Currently not at Lily's place like I was last night :(
Argh I'm so amazingly over this heat I feeling like I'm melting 24/7 I've currently eating my THIRD red icy poll, quite delicious. Lately I've been dreaming of England *sighs* I want so much to go on exchange there :D I love winter! I love the cold! I even wouldn't care bout the rain ruining my hair! Well not that much at least.... :p I wish it was raining now or at least someone was throwing wet stuff :)
England, How couldn't you love it??

lol right now, its too hot
london is cool, i've been there
but paris is better, i wanna go there again
like now for instance
bloody australian summers
I want to go to england for exchange to, and stay with my cousins. all those english boys with cute accents. haha!
england sucks.
go to canada!
ha it was a real word.
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