Friday, December 19, 2008

It doesn’t count until she’s conscious, Rose. - Emmett Cullen

Just went to see Australia with my mummy!

There was this old person in front of me who sneezed worse than Helen! Helen sneezes and seriously say ARTISUE it's quite funny. But this lady sneezed like a man/lady, it sounded like a beaver sneezing if your know what that would sound like, I shall demonstrate if you ask at a latter date :p, but it made me laugh even though it was all melodramtic and such!

But the real reason for this for this blog was too say that awesome is Australia we are the only country to eat our national animal! We are a strange lot also my family is as they where the ones who started dicussing this fact and then also procided to start a full on licking war........ I love my family!

Also Lindsey what is your national animal over there? And do you eat it? Mum was like isn't it the maple leaf and then Siobhan and I broke into histerics (can't spell :p) and told her that a maple leaf isn't an animal it's part of a magical thing called a tree.

well thats all folks

xx raid

1 comment:

lindy/ said...

hmm well i just asked anne and the 2 kids sitting behind what canada's national animal is but they didn't know. i'm gonna say moose? or maybe bear?