Hype if you like, comment if you love, fan me if your awesome.
Missing Lindsey, Paige asked twice bout you today Lindsey darling feel loved! Oh my goodness I'm auditioning to be a HUMAN CHESS PIECE! Which is of course! My dream come true! I want to be a castle! Slightly because I'm all tall and can look all emo scary if I want and also cause of Harry Potter the first one it would highly entertaining too! I'll post pictures if I get in :)
Still searching for my valentine *sigh* going to myspace Butt and see if she'll find us (Pip and I) random (Emo) Beechy Boys :D
xx raid
you are sexy! have my babies.
love your tits in that top.
what i meant to say was, wow, you have really nice arms.
hingsio - sounds like a hindu swear
ps. im lindsey's friend! not (just) a creeper :b
haha yes freaked-out was pretty much what i was going for - sorry to scare you though, but you have a very nice blog - and youre on lookbook! how cool are you!
andra - danish girl's name
no, im not on lookbook, heard its invite only - just not that cool :b
no, i guess well lindsey is one of those special one-of-a-kind amazing girls that stumble randomly into your life, and stay there for ever. i really love her, and i bet anything she's reading this right now. Lindsey, stop surfing porn and get back to work.
hmmm. its school. not much to say. want to blog, quickly, but have like, 13 minutes. can i make it? eh?
glosepor - its the magic spell for getting your pores to be glossy.
and i spelled my password wrong, so got a new word: dorpregm!! its like.. door preggers or something.
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