Inspired by Bethany's gossip girl school style.
Just got back from auditions for the school play "Little Stars" and did the whole acting thing fairly well I think but when I was singing my voice started shaking a little bit :S! I still hit the note but felt a right and utter lunatic. But if I get a main role WHO CARES ABOUT AUDITIONS! :D hehe I hope I did well :)
Just so everyone knows: The song Sex Is On Fire was written about Bart! (As decided by Me and Pip :D)
xx raid
who DOESNT like juno?! its like, the movie of our generation, from our generation, describing our generation. its amazing, really, epic and somewhat a cultural phenonemom (yearh, definately had to that spelling) and just satisfies in a way chocolate never could, however rich or ambitious.
and then there's nick and norah's. love it. but then again, it could be a movie with michael ceras face on a stick and i'd watch it forever.
salou - salute!
oh ps! Lindsey is getting queasy that we're writing together! my goal in life (:
so, do you want me to tell you more about blazey? lindsey, stop reading this, it doesnt concern you.
he's a hunk but he's gay. thats pretty much the jest of it.
defism - sound dirty.
ahah good on you
lol :)
gosssip girl owns
anne leave my friend alone.
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